Hey Smart Home, What Can you Do?

“Hey Google…” “Alexa…” “Siri…” These are all phrases that have integrated into our lives and become a common dialogue you hear in homes these days. Growing up we watched shows like The Jetsons, movies like Disney’s Smart House, and dreamed of the days when technology advanced enough that we could be dependent on a robot to help us out. Well, folks, that day is here. … Continue reading Hey Smart Home, What Can you Do?

It’s Summer Time… What Next?

With summer basically here and many summer activities no longer an option, many parents are finding it difficult to keep the kids entertained. There’s plenty of options out there, but as a parent sometimes it’s hard to even put these thoughts together. So we’re doing some of the heavy lifting for you by coming up with a few ideas that will keep the kids busy … Continue reading It’s Summer Time… What Next?

Air Fryer Recipes

Healthy Air Fryer Recipes

Your options are endless now that you have your air fryer! Breakfast, lunch, dinner; it can all be made with your new kitchen appliance. Wondering where you should begin? We’ve got 3 incredible and healthy recipes to help you kickstart the journey to air fryer greatness. Cajun Blackened Shrimp If you like food with flavor and spice, then this Cajun blackened shrimp recipe is sure … Continue reading Healthy Air Fryer Recipes

Choosing an Air Fryer

In 2010, Philips introduced us to a small kitchen appliance that would revolutionize the way we cook. The air fryer, which cooks food by circulating hot air around using convection technology, cut cooking times in half while maintaining delicious flavor and crispness. Today, the air fryer, sometimes called an air deep fryer, has become one of the most widely used appliances in kitchens across America. … Continue reading Choosing an Air Fryer