Kitchen Cleaning Hacks

Your kitchen is the most germ-filled room in the whole house (surprise your kitchen is dirtier than your bathroom). On average a kitchen tabletop contains 344 bacteria per square inch. You realistically spend more time in your kitchen then you do in your bathroom, so it’s no wonder why it’s “dirtier”. Not to worry, Electronic Express knows the best ways to tackle your major appliances and small kitchen appliances in your kitchen! These hacks are also 100% chemical-free! You might be surprised to see how well vinegar, lemons, and baking soda can do the trick to get your kitchen looking clean and germ-free.

Vinegar is a great natural cleaner because it cleans, sanitizes, and deodorizes all at once. Baking soda helps absorb bad smelling odors. Lemons (freshly cut, essentials oil, or even lemon juice) are a natural way to give a fresh scent as well as help clean curtain household products.

Microwave That Smell Away

There are a few ways to clean the inside of your microwave but this is a personal favorite one mine because I find it so easy to do!

Step 1 – Pour one cup of white vinegar and one cup of water into a measuring bowl or cup. Put a wooden spoon into the liquid (this is to help for it, not to overheat and explode, look it up on YouTube, it’s crazy)!

Step 2 – Depending on how powerful your microwave is, put it on high for about 5 – 10 minutes. Carefully remove the bowl or cup from the microwave.

Step 3 – Remove the microwave glass plate and clean that in the sink with some warm water and dish soap.

Step 4 – Wipe down the inside with a clean rag. The purpose was to get the steam from the water and vinegar to loosen up anything lurking in the microwave, making the wiping a lot easier.

BONUS: cut up a lemon and add lemon juice to the mixture of vinegar and water, when you microwave it, the smell will leave your microwave smelling fresh

Clean The Oven Range

Cleaning out the oven can be the toughest job in the kitchen. But it will be well worth it when your food tastes better. Leftover burnt foods like sauces, cheeses, meat juices, and crumbs from baking are not only a fire hazard over time but can influence how your food cooks and tastes.

Step 1 – Remove all the racks in the oven.

Step 2 – Make a baking soda paste with, 1/2 cup of baking soda with a few tablespoons of water. Mix these in a small bowl until you have a spreadable paste.

Step 3 – Gloves will come in handy for this part. Spread the paste all over the interior surfaces in the oven, but stay away from the heating elements!

Step 4 – Let the paste sit in the oven for about 12 hours! (Make sure the roommates don’t turn on the oven to throw a frozen pizza in!)

Step 5 – Take a damp dis cloth and wip[e out as much of the dried baking soda paste!

Step 6 – Spray some white vinegar everything in the oven to help react to the leftover baking soda, making it easier to clean up the residue!

Clean that Refrigerator

We don’t mean to eat everything out of your fridge but to actually clean out the fridge!

Step 1 – Clear out the fridge, take everything out of from the jam jars, to the leftover take out! This is also a good time to toss away any smelly fish leftovers, expired dairy products, and long overdue expired sauces and jams. A clean slate will make cleaning this area a lot easier.

Step 2 – Remove the shelves, drawers, and insert shelves. Clean those off with good old fashion sponge and dish soap and let them dry.

Step 3 – Take three-part warm water and one part white vinegar in a spray bottle, then spray the inside of the fridge wipe it down after with a clean microfiber cloth.

BONUS– Place an open box of baking soda in your refrigerator to help reduce those smelling causing odors in your fridge.