I don’t know about you, but fall is my favorite time of year. The leaves are turning the most beautiful array of yellows, reds, and oranges. The temperatures are cold enough to wear light layers, jackets, and beanies, but not too cold that you can’t feel your face. It’s a season of thinking about what you’re grateful for mixed with the anticipation of Christmas right around the corner. It’s a time of year that I just smile thinking about…and it’s finally here! Which means it’s time to whip out my fall essentials. What are they you might ask? Let’s take a look.

Space heaters are an absolute must for me. I am naturally freezing year round no matter what, so the first thing I always reach for the second the temperature starts dropping is a space heater. A personal space heater at work keeps me nice and warm without bothering my co-workers, while a whole room heater at home means I can stay warm whether I’m sitting down or walking around doing chores. And that’s why it’s number 1 on my list.

Next up is weighted blankets. These are the perfect companion when you’re cozying up on the couch to watch a movie and you just want something warm and comforting. You could easily throw a regular blanket on, but there’s something about the weight that is soothing and calming. It really makes you feel at ease, and after the year we’ve had that’s an incredibly welcome feeling. Just the thought of curling up on the couch to watch a movie, feeling the weight of the world melt away as the weight of the blanket lies on top of me, brings a smile to my face.

Which leads me to the next item on my list, which is a TV. For me, fall is the season when I start staying inside more and more, and I begin watching holiday movies. So what better item to list than a nice TV? Anything 50” and up is going to be the perfect size to enjoy these cliche, happy-ending rom coms.

Now I’m seeing a pattern begin to emerge with this list, and it all has to do with enjoying the indoors and sitting around. So why can’t that translate to cooking? Why spend so much time in the kitchen cooking away over the stove, when we’ve entered the season of soups and chili. That’s right, the next thing on my fall must-haves list is a dutch oven, which is a classic way to be a part of the latest slow cooker trend. Put everything in the pot, let it sit, and you can go back to sitting on the couch with your weighted blanket and a favorite holiday movie. Dutch ovens require little to no prep and give you a delicious and warm meal without having to stay in the kitchen for an hour. It’s a no-brainer.

And last but certainly not least on my list is something that isn’t really a need, it’s more a want, but man it just makes this time of year all that much more enjoyable. I’m talking about fragrance warmers and diffusers. I think it’s safe to say that fall scents are a big seller, which makes sense because who doesn’t want the aromas of pumpkin, cinnamon, and apple cider filling the air in their home. Plus, fragrance warmers and diffusers are easy enough to put in every room of your home, and they’re decorative so it not only smells good, it looks good too.
So now that I’ve rounded out my fall essentials list, I hope it helps you bring that fall spirit inside you to life. Everyone needs some of the happiness that only fall can bring in their lives right about now.
Electronic Express
We Make Fall Happen