Go Green with Electronic Express!

Last week was Earth Day, but it is never too late to make your day-to-day life more environmentally friendly. From recycling to conserving energy, every small action can make a big difference. One area where we can make an impact is in the electronics & appliances we use in our everyday lives. Electronic Express offers a variety of eco-friendly products that can help us reduce … Continue reading Go Green with Electronic Express!

18 Products That Will Help You Keep This Year’s Resolutions

This year is coming to a close, so you may be thinking of ways to make 2023 the best year yet! For many people, this means setting resolutions. New Year’s resolutions vary from exercising more, quitting a bad habit, or something as simple as making your bed every day. Below are some products from Electronic Express that should make following through on your resolutions a little easier! Continue reading 18 Products That Will Help You Keep This Year’s Resolutions

Back to College Essentials You Don’t Want to Forget!

Whether you’re dorm shopping for the first time, prepping to commute for your senior year, or going back to college after years, you’ll need to pick up a few things before you head back to campus! For your dorm It’s no secret that dorm living oftentimes comes without a kitchen. Because of this, you may have to get inventive at meal times! For your studies … Continue reading Back to College Essentials You Don’t Want to Forget!