According to research, keeping your room cool not only helps you stay asleep through the night, but also increases your quality of sleep by aiding your body’s sleep cycles, such as encouraging longer REM cycles (which is when you dream).
This summer has had record high temperatures! Use these tips to stay cool and sleep well even on the hottest summer nights!
Increase Air Circulation
Still air can get hot. If you don’t have central air conditioning, or you just don’t have enough vents where you sleep, adding a window unit or whole-room fan may help keep you cool! While a fan won’t actually remove the warm air like an A/C unit does, it will create an airflow that will absorb heat from your skin. So, although a fan won’t technically cool the air, it can keep you cool while you sleep.

Upgrade your Bedding
Do you know what your sheets are made of? Many sheets are made of synthetic materials like polyester or microfiber, as these tend to be more accessible and budget friendly. However, natural cotton, linen, silk or bamboo bed sheets are more breathable and if you struggle with staying cool, may be worth the investment!

Add New Nightstand Necessities
While these pint-sized solutions may not completely fix the problem, they will work to make your bedtime routine more comfortable! Plus, if you do wake up mid-sleep, they’ll be within an arm’s reach.

Cut Back on Heat-Producing Electronics
It’s no secret that electronics produce heat. If your room tends to run hot at bedtime, avoiding electronics like TVs, computers, and video games can decrease the amount of warm air in the room. If you must use electronics before bed, a cooling pad like this one is designed to quickly dissipate heat that your laptop puts off.
Turn to Cooling Mattress Tech
If none of these “quick fixes” keep you comfy and cool all night, it may be time to consider upgrading your bed with modern cooling technology.